Unlock Your Path

to Self-Discovery Find Love Growth

Understand your relationship dynamics, psychological well-being, childhood influences, and attachment styles.

Built by Paul C. Brunson
Built by Paul C. Brunson

Unlock Your Path

to Self-Discovery Find Love Growth

Understand your relationship dynamics, psychological well-being, childhood influences, and attachment styles.

Cerys Assessments

Unlock Deeper Self-Awareness

Science-backed assessments, personalized guidance, and expert-driven insights to empower your self-discovery and relationship journey.

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Long Term Relationship Assessment Scale

Usually Takes 15 Mins

Gauge the strength and depth of your long-term relationship, identifying areas of harmony and growth.

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6 Dimensions of Psychological Wellbeing Assessment

Usually Takes 10 Mins

Assess your psychological well-being across six key dimensions to understand your overall mental health.

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Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Assessment

Usually Takes 5 Mins

Explore how childhood experiences have shaped your life, impacting your well-being and relationships.

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Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR) Assessment

Usually Takes 10 Mins

Uncover your attachment style and its influence on your personal relationships.

Flexible Pricing

Choose a Plan that Works for You

Unlock your journey to deeper understanding and personal growth with our tailored subscription plans.

Free Plan
£ 0.00 /month
  • Assessment Access

    Single-use per assessment, dive into each unique assessment once to start your journey.

  • Report

    Receive a basic report summarizing your insights

  • Personalized Interventions

    Not available in this plan.

£ 4.99 /month
  • Assessment Access

    Unlimited access to all assessments, explore your depth as many times as needed.

  • Enhanced Report

    Enhanced with comparative insights, showing how your results stack up.

  • Personalized Interventions

    Tailored recommendations and strategies for growth.

  • Progress Tracking

    Monitor your development over time, seeing tangible changes.

  • Exclusive Lottery

    The chance to win a one-on-one session with Paul C Brunson each year.

Premium Exploration
£ 40.99 /year
  • Assessment Access

    Detect and remediate business critical security vulnerabilities scanning profiles made easy.

  • Enhanced Report

    In-depth comparative assessment reports offering nuanced understanding.

  • Personalized Interventions

    Custom interventions designed to guide your personal and relational growth.

  • Progress Tracking

    Comprehensive tracking tools to visualize your journey.

  • Exclusive Lottery

    The chance to win a one-on-one session with Paul C Brunson each year.


Building Stronger Bonds, One Step at a Time

The questions definitely validated some things I already suspected, but I was honestly shocked by how often I answered 'not at all.' This has given me a lot to think about and reflect on, and I appreciate the clarity it brought to some underlying issues.

The mixture of questions and the specific instructions on who to focus on while answering were really helpful. It's rare to find that level of detail in these kinds of surveys.

The answers definitely support my intuition about him not being the right person. It even highlighted some possible narcissistic tendencies, which has given me the courage to reconsider the relationship and prioritize my own well-being.

Embark on Your Journey to Self-Discovery

Join Cerys for a conversation that opens doors to comprehensive insights and tailored interventions across all facets of your well-being.